Osteoarthritis of the knee joint

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint – specific, giving the destructive effect on the cartilage of the knee joint of the disease. When there is a birth of this disease, the doctors observed serious irregularities in the process of blood circulation in blood vessels, as a result, the deformation and destruction of the cartilage, the person feels strong, cooling all of its moving feet, knees, pain, noticed swelling and change his mind knees.


What happens with the knee joint in osteoarthritis?

Ease the cartilage plays an important role in the process of movement of people and represents a smooth surface, elastic and strong joint, due to which the joints of the bones to move freely relative to each other, and also occurs depreciation and the distribution of loads during walking.

But when the excess of the regular load, genetic predisposition, metabolic disorders in the body, long muscular spasms and injuries of the cartilage loses its smoothness and starts to thin. The thinning of the cartilage, which leads to a reduction of the distance between articulated bones up to 80%. When walking as a result of abnormalities of the friction and the absence of shock absorber devastating process in the joint rapidly increases, it quickly leads to the development of third degree of osteoarthritis with pronounced symptoms:

  • The pain when driving, especially when climbing or descending stairs.
  • The pain and stress and at rest, morning stiffness.
  • The patient begins to limp, trying to protect the diseased joint.
  • Severe cases of the disease forced him to use crutches or a cane.

The third degree of osteoarthritis of the knee joint is characterized by the virtual absence of cartilage, which leads to a decrease of the mobility of the joint to a minimum. Therefore, it is not arcane methods, super drugs and ointments will not be able to recover worn out the cartilage tissue, and given the extent of the bone deformity, the normal functioning of the joint is not possible. In this case, can only help the rapid response.

The stage of osteoarthritis

Much of what determines the success of the treatment, it is the extent of the disease, it is the severity of the changes are destructive in the knee joints. With the progression of osteoarthritis identify the following stages or degrees:

  • The initial step, or 1 degree, often called the offset, as expressed by clinical signs of the pathology is not yet. The patient may feel discomfort in the knees after exercise, which disappears soon after the rest; the joints still fully functional.
  • At the 2 the degree of osteoarthritis, subcompensated, the symptoms of the disease are enhanced. Formed expressed pain syndrome, which, however, stopped of pain relievers, ointments and gels are used topically. Disturbed physical activity, appears to be instability of the joint. In the vast majority of cases, the handling of patients to physicians occurs precisely at this stage.
  • 3 the degree of decompensated, you can also call and deforming. The knee joint crooked, is not stable, immobile, absolutely non-functional. Syndrome the pain is permanent and requires little medical intervention. To unload the joint and move around, man has need of the cane.

According to this point, the man asked for help, a technician for the development of the treatment plan. Unfortunately, people have recourse to medical assistance, in most cases, when the pain in the knee that does not go after the usual intake of painkillers or use of the ointment.

The symptoms and the first signs of

Depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease divided into 3 stages. The symptomatology of the early development of knee osteoarthritis is very variable and has no specificity.

The first step of the pathology are possible for the following symptoms:

  1. knee pain during squats, walk the stairs;
  2. the sensation of the pain in the joint after a long load or cooling;
  3. the knee may be sick at the end of the day or in the morning;
  4. the stiffness and the pain in the morning takes place after the daily work.

In the future, there are characteristic symptoms of the 2 and 3 stages (of the rig):

  • the pain is severe and prolonged;
  • a swelling of the joint;
  • perhaps the appearance of fluid in the joint;
  • between the articular surfaces may be a violation of the particles of cartilage, meniscus, synovial villus, the result of which occurs a sharp immobility (it can also roughly place);
  • it is difficult to walk on the leg;
  • develops the immobility of the joint.

The speed of development degenerative process and the degree of severity of the symptoms depend on the presence or absence of factors traumatic. For example, the stress or the inflammatory process in the body to accelerate the process of destruction.

The diagnosis

For the diagnosis of gonarthrosis uses:

  • the blood tests (common and biochemical);
  • x-rays;
  • arthroscopy;
  • MRI.

The most important diagnostic method to confirm the diagnosis of the knee is the x-ray. Although consider the initial stages of the disease and the condition of the cartilage on x-rays may not, however, the changes in bone 2 and 3 steps are clearly visible. It is:

  1. close the slit of a joint;
  2. located on the line of the bone, the edges of the ball-edge of thorns – osteophytes;
  3. the changes in the periosteum;
  4. the change in the height of one of the condyles, and others.

However, to examine more in-depth changes, you can, using arthroscopy. With its help, you can determine the state of the cartilages, the menisci, the synovial membrane. Its rarely used due to the possibility of a strong trauma to the joint, so that, in fact, it is a mini-operation, composed of several perforations. Sometimes, arthroscopy use for the treatment of the knee joint (if you need to remove a piece of my broken cartilage or meniscus). Detect changes in the soft tissues of the knee at an early stage of oa using ULTRASOUND and MRI. These methods are also not shown, in the state of cartilage, synovium and fluid.

The exercise and drills with osteoarthritis

Physical exercise help to restore the function of the joint and strengthen it. Perform them slowly and gently, so as not to cause a sprain and do not exceed the load.

The most effective are the following exercises:

  1. Slowly alternately raise the legs straight, lying on the belly. In this activity, involving the muscles of the thigh and leg. We can't let charge be carried over to the back. Raise the legs too high is not worth it. Especially, tender muscles in the highest point;
  2. It is an exercise similar to the first, only now, it is necessary to raise the leg bent at the knee. The highest point of the thigh, it should be in addition to the tender. On each leg of the exercise, you must perform the same number of times;
  3. Lying on the ground (on your stomach), lift your legs straight up, then raise the parties and to the reduce. For this exercise, the need for a strong trained muscles of the press, which is why it is not suitable for all patients. In addition, during the execution can raise the blood pressure. Patients with high blood pressure or other diseases of the cardiovascular system, better to abandon it;
  4. To perform the following exercise you have to lie on side, bend down on the floor of the leg at the knee, and the other slowly and delay the highest point. It is important that the angle during the execution of each leg was the same;
  5. For this exercise will need a chair. Sitting on it, feet alternately straightened up, rise up and linger on a maximum amount of time in a corrected position;
  6. It is useful to mount on tip-toe, holding on to the back of a chair or a bed. As in the context of an exercise, it is necessary to linger at the highest point for a few seconds, and eventually fatigue the muscles of the legs;
the pattern of osteoarthritis

The doctor will be in a cabinet of several sessions, show the basic techniques, so that the patient can massage a knee problem yourself. The appropriate action to improve the state of the damaged area.


It is not necessary to think that the physiotherapy activities relate to the secondary, a subsidiary of the methodology of the impact on the diseased joint. In the initial phases of the disease, the physiotherapy gives a significant relief to the patient, eliminates pain, relieves muscle spasms, and accelerates the recovery of function of the knee. In addition, some types of physiotherapy allow you to enter a medicinal substance through the skin, which leads to a reduction of the dose of the drug, accepted by the patient inside.

All the methods of physiotherapy the impact can be divided into several groups:

  1. Relieving the pain;
  2. Reduce the inflammation;
  3. Give the power of the joint and accelerate the recovery of the function of the joint.

What kind of an impact is required for the patient, allows to determine the doctor, on the basis of the symptoms and diseases associated.

The transaction with osteoarthritis

The surgical treatment refers to the radical methods, be fully or partially repair the functioning of the knee joint. The surgical methods of treatment differ from each other the degree of intervention in the affected joint.

  1. Arthroscopy is one of the most gentle of the processes of timely treatment. This technique has a little traumatic, and can be used as a therapeutic activity, even in the early stages of osteoarthritis. It aims to extend the life of the joint is damaged. Performed arthroscopy with the help of an endoscope – flexible probe with a camera on the end. The knee joint is made of small holes, through which we introduced the endoscope and support tools. In the course of the operation away from the damaged area of tissue, causing pain. The operation is the most acceptable for the young people of the age and, if necessary, can be repeated several times.
  2. The stent refers to the more radical surgical methods. When this occurs, a complete recovery of the function of the joint by total replacement of the knee joint or the part of the implant. This method is the best alternative to already existing, allowing – the fusion (full immobilization damaged of the joint). Currently, the hip provides up to 90% of positive results and greatly improves the quality of life of patients.
  3. Osteotomy is applicable in the case where, in the joint have evolved large deformations, and the function of articulation significantly suffers. Osteotomy involves the artificial creation of a fracture of the bone in advance, the place planned. In the following part of the bone marking in the correct physiological position and give them a knitting. Sometimes, in the course of the operation can be artificial clips for fixation of bone fragments, which contribute to the more sustainable of the position of the bone.

The plan

As regards the special schemes with osteoarthritis, then it is usually, often, aiming to reduce the weight of the patient, as in the majority of cases, a large weight contributes to the overload of the joints. The food includes eating small portions about every 3 hours. To reduce the weight in the daily diet it is necessary to add leaner meats (chicken, turkey, rabbit) and remove the fat (mutton, pork). Vegetable protein should take legumes. For the respect of the diet in the diet should occur, the replacement of refined products over crude oil, as well as to reduce the consumption of salt.

Cure plan provides for the refusal or the minimum of the consumption, conservation, smoked and fried foods (suppressant). For all restore the cartilage, you must provide your body with complex carbohydrates (cereals, flour products of wheat). The power supply should also be included fruit juices (carrot, beet, apple). They will withdraw from the body of toxins and reduce the impact of inflammatory processes.

In the diet must be present fish and the jelly that it is a kind of cartilage, and helps create new cartilage. It should be recalled that the regime should not affect the self – the better option will be able to choose only a physician-nutritionist (specialist regimes).

Example of menu:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal in water without the butter and sugar, fruit juice, boiled eggs;
  • The second breakfast: a glass of skim milk yogurt;
  • Lunch: meat or fish-steamed, steamed vegetables, tea without sugar;
  • The taste: the sour dish of nuts, a glass of fruit juice;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, apple, tea without sugar;
  • The second supper: a glass of skim milk yogurt.


Take care of your joints, until this unpleasant disease, such as the knee, not bothering you. When the recognition of the symptoms of the condition, contact the doctor at the beginning, until the mobility, flexibility, joint tissue is not completely lost. With the delays in the processing of cases leads to disability.

Prevention of diseases of the joints:

  • test load on the feet at practice, active exercise;
  • make a diet with the inclusion of products and meals that contain calcium, magnesium, gelatin;
  • if the job involves lift, move heavy loads, comply with the safety rules, do not carry loads of more than one standard;
  • do regular self-massage for prevention of arthritis, in particular, during a constant load on the feet;
  • eat properly, not limit yourself with "harmful" products;
  • the control of mass of body excess extra weight the load on the joints);
  • regularly ask for a review, a treat for both acute and chronic diseases.

The attention to the health of the musculo-skeletal system ensures the activity at any age. During the detection of the knee, see your doctor. The treatment of osteoarthritis in the house – an element of success of the therapy.


To condition diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee joint in the early stages, the elimination of the causes of the disease and the appropriate treatment favourable weather. Conducted by the therapy gives the opportunity to realize a long-term remission, however, the treatment is usually life-long. In the absence of necessary treatment, as well as the non-compliance of patient adherence to osteoarthritis of the knee-joint is the cause of the disability.