Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, the symptoms and treatment at home

Osteochondrosis cervical associated with metabolic disorders in the neck, to the deterioration of the condition of the muscles and vertebrae. To avoid the development of a disease that the doctors recommend the use of a set of activities that include drug therapy and different exercises, the adjustment of the diet, massage, physiotherapy.

osteochondrosis cervical

How to cure cervical low back pain home exercises

The first thing that you must remember when you are osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, – the prohibition of an exercise on the neck in the period of exacerbation of the disease. Only in the period of remission animals gradually include exercises of low amplitude. The improvement of the state of charge level can be increased.

The average duration of running exercise complex is 10 minutes away. All movements should be done in the absence of the pain. Soft and flowing in the load on the muscles, alternating with relaxation. It is recommended to repeat the room services every day. Starting Position for each exercise: take the standing or sitting, the posture should be right.

The main group of the year:

  • Marc lean the ear to the right shoulder. His right hand, put the left temple. Now the head slowly return to the normal position, putting the hand with a little resistance. No pain should not be. Repeat the exercise in the other direction.
  • Try to reach the chin to the collarbone. In a maximum guarantee of stay on 2 to 5 seconds.
  • The inclination of the head downwards, the arms crossed in the castle and put it on the nape of the neck. Try to turn the head looking towards the front position, helping hands of the resistance. The head is not the crushing of the hands. The duration of a single approach of 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Each exercise should have 10 repetitions. Ideal for preventing osteoarthritis and for the restoration of the mobility of the neck of the remission phase. Exercises will lead to tone the weakened muscles.

How to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine to the house a plan

The adjustment of the diet during the osteochondrosis cervical should focus on cartilage repair. In the regime of low back pain, you must activate the food and the food:

  • chondroprotectors in sufficient quantity contained in the jelly, gelatin and agar-agar;
  • calcium can be obtained from dairy products, vegetables, salad leaves and d'. Don't forget that for the quality of the absorption of this mineral requires vitamin D;
  • manganese, you can take the arc, legumes, egg yolks, cheese and nuts;
  • source of magnesium, which is indispensable for the stable operation of the organization as a whole, are avocados, sunflower seeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds;
  • phosphorus is an organism assimilates fish, soy, peas, bran and cabbage;
  • b vitamins are found in legumes, dairy products and nuts;
  • the vitamin Has absorbed raw eggs, squash, melons and carrots;
  • the vitamin C, you can get it from all citrus and fruit;
  • vitamin D is the easiest to get out for a walk under the sun. Our body is self-produced. In cloudy days and in winter, it is preferable to add to the ration of egg products, algae and fish of the sea.
the pain in the neck

In order to saturate the body with all the nutrients needed, in the time of need qualitatively diversify the diet. Outside of these components, diet, diet osteochondrosis not necessarily need to include a large amount of liquid, in particular drinking water. All the tea and beverages with a basis of coffee, doctors recommend that you replace the filtered water and no gas.

From a diet strongly recommended to remove salt, it is better to go on a salt-free diet. The salt disrupts the supply of nutrients to the cells, which is very dangerous osteochondrosis.

The sugar and the soft also under the ban, with one exception, is the honey. These products disrupt the metabolism of the intervertebral discs.

Canned goods, semi-finished products, carbonated and soft drinks – all of it is strictly prohibited during osteochondrosis cervical. These products wash out the calcium from the bones, causing complications of the disease.

The treatment of cervical osteoarthritis in the house of a massage

A professional massage at the low back pain cervical – effective component in the treatment of the disease. Systematic massages can reduce or eliminate pain and spasms. Thanks to the stimulation of certain areas of the cervical spine normalizes the blood circulation in the exposed area of the spine.

Distinguishes 3 types of massage:

  • The massage of the region.
  • The point of pressure.
  • The self-massage.

The most effective is considered to be the stimulation of the area. Plays the role of the masseur a person starts a smooth procedure traits. Then, you need to hold the ribs palms along the spine up to the chest, well worked enslaved sites. The last step massé are circular ðàçìèíàþùèå movement.

Acupressure is the impact on a number of points. The practice came from chinese medicine. Good analgesic effect of osteochondrosis neck provides the pressure on the following points:

  • sub occipital made on the deepening of nadavlivanie in a period of 5 to 20 seconds;
  • retirement on 2 fingers of the apophyse, and press for 5 to 10 seconds;
  • the first point of the retirement of 3 fingers and squeeze for 5 to 10 seconds;
  • find 7 vertebra, and the pressure of the impact.

Self-massage is similar to the technique of the stimulation of the region, only in this case of a man of mass themselves, without help from anyone. The advantage of the method is to control the pain and the force of the pressure.

The combination of all the methods of treatment of degenerative disc disease cervical will rapidly obtain good results of the therapy. In order to minimize the risk of worsening, doctors advise to do gymnastics, good nutrition, self-massage on a continuous basis.

the traditional methods of treatment

How to treat the neck pain in the lower back at home

The symptoms and treatments for cervical osteoarthritis to the house is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The Cervical osteochondrosis of the pathology that affects the intervertebral discs in the cervical vertebrae. Of the most mobile and the maximum prone to the disease departments ominous C5, C6 and C7.


Treaty of pathology can cause complications such as acute or osteochondrosis cervical. The appearance of the sensation of pain in the shoulder reflects the interference of the nerve roots in the 4th and 5th vertebrae. In the initial stages of shoulder osteochondrosis is manifested by pain, pain occurring at night. These pains are gradually attenuated, spreading in the hands or the neck.

Osteochondrosis of the shoulder may be healed, the complex approach. The symptoms and the treatment of all diseases permanently connected with each other. The main symptoms of the disease degenerative disc neck are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Reflexes sharp and strong pain in the neck, aggravated by movement. This pain is also referred to as a coup.
  2. Root canal — the pain resulting from the tool nerve endings. They manifest themselves in the different areas of the body or internal organs.

Patients suffering from cervical osteoarthritis, will pressing headache, which can propagate in the area of temporal parts or eyeballs. Maybe a drop in visual acuity, and vertigo. Irritation nerve brachial plexus can be the cause of the syndrome of the vertebral artery. It may be wrongly determined that the malfunctions of the cerebral circulation, which are accompanied by vertigo.

When osteochondrosis cervical there is a loss of orientation in combination with nausea or vomiting. In patients with cervical osteochondrosis are seizures heart. These manifestations of the degenerative disc disease occur with other signs, it is easy to distinguish the symptoms of diseases of the cardio-vascular system.

The techniques of therapy

The treatment of cervical osteoarthritis fast at home is done in several steps. Pre-running the first aid . To do this, it is recommended to perform the following operations:

  1. In the first 24 hours to the affected site, you can apply ice, but it should be done after consulting a doctor. In all other cases, the wound can wrap a wool scarf.
  2. Sleeping on hard surfaces. Is not recommended to lie on the ground, so as not to cool the affected area.
  3. If the disease is localized in the area of the cervical vertebrae , it is necessary to set the neck in cotton-cardboard bus.
  4. Before the consultation with the doctor, you can take an analgesic.

Osteochondrosis of the neck is a serious disease that requires progressive treatment symptomatic. The ambulatory care and home treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine are not mutually, because they have the same orientation of the action. The main objectives of the therapy of degenerative disc disease of the house are:

  1. Removing the pain.
  2. The stimulation of the metabolism in the cervical vertebrae.
  3. The accumulation of muscle tissues in the neck and shoulders.
  4. The stabilization of the blood circulation of the brain.
  5. The return of sensitivity and the improvement of the mobility of the spine in the cervical region and upper limbs.
  6. The elimination of negative emotions and sleep problems.

Drug therapy

home treatment

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis of the house with the help of medication? For the elimination of pain and inflammation apply analgesic of the tool. Used chondroprotectors of drugs, the suspension of the destruction of the cartilage, contributing to its injunction.

The treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine in the home can be achieved with the use of ointments and creams. The active substances entering into their composition, are not as effective. This is due to the fact that they do not reach the affected area. However, they are not useless, because, when you use a massage is performed, beneficial effect on the cervical vertebrae. When diseases are named vitamins or medication built-in effects.

The methods of non-pharmacological therapy

Before treating osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in non-drug methods, it is recommended to consult a doctor. These methods include:

  • acupuncture;
  • girudoterapiya;
  • the procedures of physiotherapy;
  • therapeutic physical exercises;
  • therapeutic massage;
  • the manual therapy.

In some cases, the massage more of an impact than medication. It promotes relaxation of the muscles to relieve pain, improve blood circulation and metabolism of the spine. The osteochondrosis cervical home treatment with the help of a massage needs a specialist.

The procedure must be performed with the fingers of his hands. The rule of the performance of massage: the movements should be fluid and slow, without the application of force. The grinding and stroking should proceed in the direction of the spine to the nape of the neck. Movements soft, you can knead the side and rear of the neck muscles. The procedure necessary to do so in a seated position, place the left leg over the right , putting a knee bend of the hand. In this position, you can perform the massage the movement of his free hand for 10 minutes. How to do it, you can learn by watching the video above.

Acupuncture and gymnastics


Before treating the cervical osteochondrosis of acupuncture, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This procedure is done at home using a special tool (the masseur). In such devices are used single or twin needle plastic carpet. For more convenience, you can attach them to the neck of the uterus tree. To work every day for 30 minutes.

You can treat osteochondrosis cervical to the house with the help of exercises. For this, it is recommended to perform slow turns of the head on 360°, by pressing the chin to the chest, stooping his head back. When the patient performs exercises work the muscle groups:

  • scarves;
  • of the upper limbs;
  • of the lower limbs.

Each element of gymnastics should be easily made and measured, with pauses of a few seconds. If, in the course of the activity lead to pain, it is recommended to stop the gym.

How to get rid of the cervico-thoracic degenerative disc disease in the house?

Get rid of the cervico-thoracic degenerative disc disease in the house is impossible, cartilaginous intercalary between the vertebrae are not fully repairable. If the time to identify the disease and begin the treatment of degenerative disc disease, obtain suspend the development.

The treatment of the enough in the early stages of development of the pathology, when the exercise of the procedure to eliminate symptoms, improve the general condition. If, cervico-thoracic to low back pain is not corrected to the house, you must consult your doctor to adjust the treatment, or choose a different treatment.

honey in the treatment of

Page therapy cervico-thoracic can affect

If the state of the spine osteochondrosis worsens, the strain is compounded, arises as dizziness, shortness of breath and lack of air, the stronger the pain syndrome does not give rest — the pathology of passes complex the development phase.

Need to stop the home treatment and go to the hospital. Clamping increases the risk of splicing of the vertebrae, to solve which will need surgically. Ignore the signs of the degenerative disease of the disc lead to the development of serious complications. The treatment at home during the worst of the state to defer to the period of remission.